The numbers of the Garante della Privacy: getting to know this figure through the 2017 activity report

The figure of the Data Protection Supervisor has undoubtedly gained in importance in recent months. He can be identified as the supreme judge, the one who supervises the correct application of the privacy legislation – the well-known GDPR – and who takes action in case of non-compliance. On previous occasions when the Garante has been…

WWDC2019: what's new at Apple

WWDC 2019:
what’s new at Apple

Last week, WWDC 2019, the annual conference organised by Apple and dedicated to the presentation of the main innovations introduced, was held in San Jose (California).   iOS 13: New features and improvements In this operating system, which is still in the beta phase, the Dark Modefunction has finally been implemented, i.e. a kind of…

La rivoluzione della connettività 5G

5G revolution

Nowadays we hear a lot about 5G and the radical changes it will bring to connectivity. In fact, 5G has very high-level prospects as it promises to connect everything and offer very high bandwidth as well as a low-latency service compared to previous standards.   Evolution of connectivity 5G stands for ‘fifth generation‘, an evolutionof…