CloudCTI is a multi-platform client that fully realizes the strong integration between user, switchboard and information system, displaying the information automatically taken from the various company DBs (accounting situation, negotiations, purchases, tickets, …) and presenting them on popup based on the profile user (administrative, technical, commercial, …).
The many communication and collaboration functions make it an indispensable tool for users of daily operations.
Pannello Presenze
Allows complete viewing and real-time interaction with all extensions, queues, parking lots and external lines. With the simple use of the mouse it is therefore possible to interact with calls (based on the permissions received): call, divert, transfer, park, record, intrude, listen.
Call management: Mobile, Extension, Forwarding, Voicemail, Recording
A series of quick access keys allows you to interact with ongoing phone calls, activating and routing calls as needed.
Headings: Centralized, Personal, Shared, Short Numbers and Company DBs
Each contact displayed on the screen will provide a series of functions based on the data found: call, send sms, send faxes, display on maps, …
Notes and Post-it notes
Of great use is the possibility of taking notes, private, shared or assigned to other colleagues (eg guy has looked for you … call him back as soon as you can …) which will be displayed in the personal bulletin board. The reservation option will also ensure that in the call notification everyone sees any post-its or who has an ongoing issue with the caller. Each action can also be notified via email / sms (e.g. when the user does not have the CTI panel open).
Softphone and WebRTC technology
The CTI integrates softphones with WebRTC technology; this innovative protocol makes it possible to expand operations by improving mobility, offering the possibility of use in the cloud and simplifying company telephone management. WebRTC also supports video mode which will soon be enabled to integrate video calls.