The Nordic countries are well known for being at the forefront of work management and regulation, but in our country we are still tied to rather obsolete, limiting and exhausting concepts. According to the common understanding, work is the activity that takes up at least eight hours a day, that marks our days and that we carry out in order to obtain remuneration. A perspective that is decidedly unfulfillable both psychologically and physically. Today, thanks to technological progress, the above idea has been completely overturned, even though very few people accept the idea of teleworking or the more popular smart working. Then there are those Nordic models mentioned above that have grasped how the inclusion of certain activities during working hours can lead to greater employee satisfaction and productivity. We refer in particular to the choice made by some Swedish companies to introduce sport during working hours: sport facilitates concentration and also helps to reduce sick leave… 70% of Swedes do sport at least once a week compared to around 40% of Italians.
A mandatory hour of physical activity in the company, every Friday, is not only healthy. It’s also a good practice to “pamper yourself” in the workplace and to team up. This is the philosophy embraced by Swedish sportswear brand Bjorn Borg: “If you want everyone to feel good, to perform at their best, if you want long-term results, you need everyone to be active,” says Henrik Bunge, CEO of the company. Walking, taking a healthy walk in the fresh air, getting your back and head right with a good yoga class – it all adds up to feeling good. Mentally and physically. Taking care of yourself is therefore a good and decisive habit through which to build a true path to well-being. The Swedes make it a categorical imperative, no ifs or buts.
IT solution ha deciso di prendere spunto da questo modello e, portando avanti la collaborazione che da tempo la vede legata alla Rhodigium Nuoto – Polo natatorio di Rovigo, dà la possibilità ai propri dipendenti di dedicare un’ora settimana al nuoto libero. Una scelta non casuale dettata anche da attente riflessioni circa i benefici fisici e psicologici associati a questo sport:
- migliora la capacità polmonare e aiuta a combattere i sintomi dell’asma;
- migliora il ritmo respiratorio attraverso il rilascio di endorfina;
- migliora la flessibilità dei muscoli e dei legamenti;
- modella glutei e quadricipiti (prova costume non ti temo 😊);
- è ideale per combattere artrite, problemi ai legamenti e dolori articolari alle ginocchia;
- riduce il rischio di malattie cardiache;
- riduce i rischi del diabete;
- riduce e combatte lo stress.